Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Burma Protests: the Situation on September 26

Burma Protests: the Situation on September 26
Ahlone Township, Rangoon; Afternoon—Three monks were reportedly shot by military and riot forces on Wednesday afternoon in Ahlone Township, a section of Rangoon, a witness told The Irrawaddy. The witness said rumors claimed all three monks later died. He said the wounded monks were carried away by fellow monks.
Rangoon, Downtown; Mid-afternoon—Two monks and one nun were reportedly shot by military forces near Sule Pagoda on Wednesday afternoon, according to a witness. Another source told The Irrawaddy earlier that one of the injured died, but the report can not be confirmed. A witness said tens of thousands of people have joined monks who are marching across the downtown area today.
Rangoon, Downtown; Mid-afternoon—At least two protestors were shot by security forces in downtown Rangoon near Sule Pagoda on Wednesday afternoon. One protestor reportedly died, according to people who took part in the demonstration. The source said the soldiers continued firing at the demonstrators, who numbered several thousand.
Rangoon; 12:30 p.m.—Thousands of Buddhist monks and pro-democracy activists marched toward the center of Rangoon, according to an Associated Press report. The demonstration followed a tense confrontation at the city's famous Shwedagon Pagoda between the protesters and riot police who fired warning shots, then beat some monks and dragged others away into waiting trucks.
Bahan, Rangoon; noon—Security forces at Rangoon’s Shwedagon Pagoda struck out at demonstrators Wednesday noon, arresting about 50 protesting monks and attacking several hundred other monks and supporters. Tear gas was used to break up the demonstrations. Other protesters were gathering in another area of the Pagoda, according to eyewitnesses, who also saw a Western embassy car in the area.
Rangoon; around noon—Security authorities used tear gas and force to break up a peaceful demonstration by about 50 monks on Wednesday morning at Rangoon’s Shwedagon Pagoda. The monks were beaten and bundled into waiting army trucks. The whereabouts of the arrested monks is unknown.
Rangoon; noon—Soldiers with assault rifles have sealed off sacred Buddhist monasteries such as Shwedagon Pagoda and Sule Pagoda, as well as other flashpoints of anti-government protests.
Rangoon; Early morning—Burmese authorities have arrested several key players who have been supporting the peaceful demonstrations and offering alms to monks, according to sources in Rangoon. At 2 a.m. the authorities arrested Amyotheryei Win Naing, one of the leaders of the Rangoon-based National Politicians Group (Myanmar); and a popular Burmese comedian, Zarganar. Also, the well-known Burmese actor Kyaw Thu has gone into hiding as the authorities were seeking to arrest him. The military government ordered a curfew beginning Tuesday night and several soldiers have taken up positions in Rangoon, including the area around Sule Pagoda.
Mandalay; Early morning—Burmese authorities arrested at least four people on Tuesday night at 2 a.m., according to a Mandalay resident close to the National League for Democracy. Three were members of the NLD and the other was the well-known comedian Par Par Lay. Those arrested NLD members were: Tin Aung, elected representative (1990) for Northwest Township and Mandalay Division officer; Khin Maung Thaung, elected representative (1990) for Southwest Township; and Myo Naing, member of Mandalay Division. The four were arrested after leading a group of 17 NLD members in offering alms to monks. The authorities also searched the room of Kyaw Zwa Oo, a youth member of Mandalay NLD, and confiscated some documents. Soldiers have taken up positions at several locations around Mandalay and authorities enforced a curfew on Tuesday night.
Meiktila Township, Mandalay; Early morning—Two members of the National League for Democracy in Meiktila were arrested on Tuesday night, according to sources. They were named as Myint Myint Aye, general secretary of the Meiktila NLD and Tin Hlaing, NLD youth member.
Magwe Division; Early morning—At least two members of the National League for Democracy were arrested by authorities in Magwe Division on Tuesday night at 1 a.m., according to a resident. They were named as Myint Oo and Ye Tint, who is a former political prisoner.
Moe Nyin Township, Kachin State; Early morning—At least a dozen monks from several monasteries in Moe Nyin were arrested by the authorities at 10 p.m. on Tuesday night. The arrests came after the monks had taken part in a peaceful demonstration, according to a resident who spoke by telephone from a nearby town after all phone lines in Moe Nyin were cut off. The arrested monks included: U Sandaw from Pyaw Pwe Monastery, U Thihayarna from Zeenalingaya Monastery, U Ottara and U Theikkha from Takgon Monastery and another five monks from Nat Gyi Gon Monastery.
Mogok Township, Mandalay Division; Early morning—At least three members of the National League for Democracy in Mogok Township were arrested by authorities on Tuesday night, according to a witness close to their families. Those arrested were named as Min Thu, Pyint Phyu and Thin Thin.

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